
The SxNP Partnership has published a number of documents and slide sets that you can download as pdf files.

Please use the links below to find the documents you need. If you cant find what you are looking for then please get in contact here

SxNP Publications (by theme)

Natural Capital

Natural Investment Strategy for Sussex (2019)

Natural Capital Investment Strategy for Sussex – Summary (2019)

Natural Capital Investment Strategy for Sussex – Evidence Base (2019)

Nature Recovery and Local Nature Recovery Strategies

Mapping a nature recovery network at a district level – summary report to Natural England (2020)

Mapping a nature recovery network at a district level – main report to Natural England (2020)

SxNP Response to Defra consultation on Local Nature Recovery Strategies – questionnaire and letter (2021)

Response to Defra Consultation on Nature Recovery Green Paper (May 2022)

Biodiversity Net Gain

Response to Defra Consultation on Biodiversity Net Gain Regulations and Implementation (April 2022)

Response to Defra Consultation on Principles of Marine Net Gain (August 2022)

Response to Defra Technical Consultation on Biodiversity Net Gain Metric (September 2022)

Nature and Planning

Local Plan Guidance (needs updated in context of Environment Act)

Neighbourhood Plan Guidance (needs updated in context of Environment Act)

Climate Change

Woodland Opportunity Mapping for Sussex and South Downs National Park – see SDNPA webpage for the story map and accompanying information

Woodland Opportunity Mapping Guidance (December 2022)

Woodland Opportunity Mapping Technical Report (August 2022)

Woodland Opportunity Mapping for Lewes District (Pilot project 2021)

Nature, Health and Wellbeing

An Emerging Strategy for Nature and Health in Sussex (August 2023)

SxNP Previous Events

SxNP hosts webinars and other events on a range of topics. Slideshows and recordings from these can be viewed here:

Previous Events

Local Authority Network Webinars

South East Nature Partnership Publications

Terms of Reference for the South East Partnership (2020)

Joint South East Principles for a Nature Recovery Network (2020)

SENP response to Planning White Paper consultation (2020)

SENP ‘green recovery’ letter to LEPs (2020)

SxNP Annual Reports

March 2021

March 2022

March 2023

March 2024

SxNP Governance

SxNP Terms of Reference (2019)

Minutes of SxNP Board Meetings are available on request