Collective Action

Collective Action – working with others to amplify impact and influence

South East Nature Partnership

In 2021, a new network of nature partnerships in the South East was established.  The South East Nature Partnership brings together Sussex Nature Partnership, Kent Nature Partnership, Surrey Nature Partnership, Hampshire and Isle of Wight Nature Partnership. Through this network, SxNP collaborates across the region on common priorities.

This partnership meets quarterly and is chaired by Caroline Jessel, Chair Kent Nature Partnership. Kent CC provide the secretariat support.


SENP Documents and Resources

The following outputs have been developed collaboratively across the SENP:

Terms of Reference

Green Recovery, letter to LEPs (2020)

Joint south east principles for Nature Recovery Networks (2020)

Joint response to Planning White Paper (2020)

Joint response to Marine Net Gain consultation (2022)

Joint response to Environmental Targets consultation (2022)

Joint response to Nature Recovery Green Paper consultation (2022)

Joint response to Biodiversity Net Gain consultation (2022)

Joint response to Biodiversity Net Gain Regulations consultation (2022)

Sussex Marine and Coastal Forum (SMaCF)

The SxNP also works closely with the Sussex Marine and Coastal Forum, which aims to promote a sustainable approach to the management, use and development of the Sussex Coast and Marine Areas. This group is currently reviewing its focus but its original Terms of Reference can be found here.

More information about SMaCF can be found here.

Weald To Waves

The Weald to Waves partnership is now represented on the SxNP Board. It aims to create a network of nature recovery across Sussex and to enable land managers along the route to create habitats and improve connections for wildlife by sourcing natural capital funding. Read more about its aims and goals here.

Weald to Waves