WC Link launch 2022 report on 30×30 progress

This week, Wildlife and Countryside Link launched its 2022 progress report on 30×30 in England. In 2020, the government had signed up to a commitment to protect and manage 30% of land and sea for nature by 2030 and WC Link has pledged to come together every year for the next 8 years to track progress against this commitment.

In this first update, they found that progress was very limited with just 3.22% of land and a maximum of 8% of our seas well protected and managed for nature (compared to 3% and 4% respectively for 2021). This is clearly very far from the stated target and the report sets out a series of priorities for action in the year head:

  1. Bring existing terrestrial protected sites into good condition
  2. Extend the protected sites network on land
  3. Legislate to strengthen National Parks and AONBs for nature
  4. Deliver the initial five HPMA pilot sites and designate further HPMA sites (Highly Protected Marine Areas)
  5. Enact improved management of marine protected areas.

The report notes that to deliver these actions, the Habitats Regulations – the “strongest protections for the most significant and vulnerable sites and species” – must be retained.

To download a copy of the report see the Wildlife and Countryside Link website .

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