Working across sectors and organisations
to secure the healthiest ecological system possible thereby protecting and enhancing the natural environment and all that it gives us.
The Sussex Nature Partnership (SxNP) is a voluntary partnership of over 30 organisations covering the whole of Sussex. Established in 2014, it works through partnership and collaboration to “protect and expand natural capital and everything it gives us”
SxNP covers the counties and inshore waters of East and West Sussex plus the City of Brighton & Hove and includes elements of three protected landscapes: The South Downs National Park, High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and Chichester Harbour AONB.
The Secretariat for the partnership is hosted by East Sussex County Council and its work is reliant on contributions from members.
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SxNP is leading or is involved in the following projects
Our Work
Working across sectors and organizations to secure the SxNP works across sectors under 6 main themes related to nature, people and the economy
The SxNP Partnership has published a number of documents and reports that you can download as pdf files.