In 2021/22, SxNP carried out a study to map the various partnerships working across Sussex working to deliver habitat creation, enhancement or ‘positive management for biodiversity’. These partnerships are vital in the delivery of outcomes for nature at scale and at pace and as work starts on new Local Nature Recovery Strategies for Sussex, they will provide an important foundation for delivering a greater ambition for nature across this area.
The study was funded by Natural England. It collated information on formal partnerships operating in Sussex at the time, mapped their boundaries and summarised key information on each including: key partners, objectives, location, area covered and habitat types involved.
The results were mapped as a storymap and can be viewed here.
Instructions on how to use the storymap have been produced and the final project report summarises the methodology and key findings.
This map does not capture the many hundreds of ‘projects’ across Sussex (where an organisation is delivering action for nature) as this was beyond the scope of this project. It concentrates on partnerships (collaborations across multiple partners) as a starting point as it is through these larger collaborations that outcomes for nature can be delivered at pace and at scale.
It is also important to note that this map and information represents a snapshot in time. Partnership working in Sussex is growing from strength to strength, with new partnerships evolving at pace in response to the need to protect, enhance and create habitats on the ground. Work will therefore continue through the LNRS processes to update this information over the next year.
In the meantime, if you are involved in a partnership and would like to add it to our database, please contact us on SussexLNPSec@eastsussex.gov.uk.